
Showing posts from July, 2020

Beat the Masters 22

April 1988, Position B White to play

Knowing Me Knowing Yusupov 2: Are we there yet?

I’ve not finished this lot yet, in case you were wondering.

Chess in the 80s 8: For sale (10/1988)


BtM 21A: A rose by any other name?

April 1988, Position A White to play Richardson - Estrin 10th World Correspondence Championship Contributions to the comments box are welcome. I’ll reply with what the Masters have to say about their choice to anybody who suggests a move.

Beat the Masters 21

April 1988, Position A White to play

BtM 20A: My Cat Keeps Purring Quietly

May 1989, Position B Black to play Ripley - Ivell, British Club Championship 1989 Contributions to the comments box are welcome. I’ll reply with what the Masters have to say about their choice to anybody who suggests a move.

Beat the Masters 20

May 1989, Position B Black to play

Knowing Me Knowing Yusupov


Chess in the 80s 7: Kasparov interview (08/1988)


BtM 19A: Simple isn’t always easy

June 1988, Position F White to play Klinger - Summermatter, Zug 1987 Contributions to the comments box are welcome. I’ll reply with what the Masters have to say about their choice to anybody who suggests a move.

Beat the Masters 19

June 1988, Position F White to play

BtM 18A: Study the classics

April 1989, Position E White to play Petursson - Halasz, Naestved Open 1988 Contributions to the comments box are welcome. I’ll reply with what the Masters have to say about their choice to anybody who suggests a move.

Beat the Masters 18

April 1989, Position E White to play

Chess in the 80s 6: A Soviet in Birmingham (03/1989)


BtM 17A: All work is good work

March 1989, Position H White to play Tukmakov - Yurtayev, Armed Forces Team Championship Riga/Moscow 1988 Contributions to the comments box are welcome. I’ll reply with what the Masters have to say about their choice to anybody who suggests a move.

Beat the Masters 17

March 1989, Position H White to play

BtM 16A: Knights and pawns

October 1988, Position H Black to play Godena - Seirawan, Lugano 1988 Contributions to the comments box are welcome. I’ll reply with what the Masters have to say about their choice to anybody who suggests a move. Scroll down to see some commentary from me and the Masters’ feedback. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . For today’s position the first question to ask is going to be, "why can’t Black just promote the h-pawn". The answer:  "Well you can, but …."  Then it’s a case of what you’re going to do about the "but". White’s mating threat means Black’s analysis has to be accurate. Shirov once said that his favourite phase of a chess game was the ending since that was where he could use his powers of calculation to their fullest. I think he might have enjoyed today’s problem. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . POINTS 10...

Beat the Masters 16

October 1988, Position H Black to play

Chess in the 80s 5: Readers' letters (01/1989)


BtM 15A: Finally

January 1989, Position J White to play Franz - Thormann, E German League 1987-1988 Contributions are welcome in the comments box. I’ll reply with what the Masters have to say about their choice to anybody who suggests a move.

Beat the Masters 15

January 1989, Position J White to play Contributions to the comments box  are welcome . Masters’ feedback will be published tomorrow.

BtM 14A: Thunderclap Newman

February 1989, Position D Black to play ??? Contributions are welcome in the comments box. I’ll reply with what the Masters have to say about their choice to anybody who suggests a move.

Beat the Masters 14

February 1989, Position D Back to play Contributions to the comments box  are welcome . Masters’ feedback will be published tomorrow.

Chess in the 80s 4: Tal interview (07/1988)
