I was put off this because you have to calculate loads and White can just recapture the knight. But, looking more, that's a better version of my line below, and if White takes the queen his dark squares are weak and coordination poor.
"By isolating the basic elements of master and grandmaster games, Simple Chess attempts to break down the mystique of chess strategy into plain, clear, easy-to-understand ideas." Michael Stean
If each player is capable of quick development, castling and of not blundering any pieces away, what is there to separate the two sides? This is the starting point of Simple Chess . - Michael Stean
"Why is Black lost? Material is equal and White hasn’t got a piece beyond the second rank. The answer lies in the pawns. White has two beautiful squares on c4 and d5 plus a mobile pawn roller on the left flank, whereas Black’s pawns constrict his own pieces terribly, particularly the bishop." Michael Stean
I feel an urge to play 1...Nxd5 here. 2.Qxa5 Nxe3 3.Rd2 a6 looks a lot of fun; don't know if it's sound.
ReplyDeleteI was put off this because you have to calculate loads and White can just recapture the knight. But, looking more, that's a better version of my line below, and if White takes the queen his dark squares are weak and coordination poor.
Deletehi guys. Sorry for no response yesterday. I ended up working a lot longer into the day than I expected.
DeleteI’ll put some additonal comments in reply to today’s Masters’ Feedback post.
I want to keep queens on so, to avoid dropping e7, went for Qa1+ with the idea Kc2 Qa4+ Kb1 Nxd5.