March 1989, Position G Black to play Fedorowicz - Dlugy, World Open 1988 Contributions to the comments box are welcome. I’ll reply with what the Masters have to say about their choice to anybody who suggests a move. Scroll down to see some commentary from me and the Masters’ feedback. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . If 'What Most People Do is Not the Way to Go' ( KMKY 8 Nasty, Brutish and not Short ) is true, it counts double with regard to studying chess openings. All that theory out there, all those courses and all those videos … and yet most of us still suck when it comes to actually playing the game. There has to be another, better, way. I think there is. Or ways, plural, perhaps. One of the things we might do when it comes to studying the Sicilian Defence, say, is take 100 positions where … d5 is potentially on the cards, going through them one by one and deciding if Black should actually play it. More of that another day. For this post I want to look at anoth...