BtM 35A: 2800-level pedantry

March 1989, Position F

White to play
Dlugy - Gurevich, World Open 1988

Contributions to the comments box are welcome. I’ll reply with what the Masters have to say about their choice to anybody who suggests a move.

Scroll down to see some commentary from me and the Masters’ feedback.


The Twitter

There’s no pedant like a chess pedant. It’s what we do. Well that and play chess.

When Matt (aka: Why Must I Lose to This Idiot) saw a silly quote on the twitter, he didn’t just decide that it was silly or agree with Kings Head Chess Club that it was silly he actually proved it was silly. Matt went off and found a tonne of games in which one side wins without ever moving backwards. He even dug up one from Unfeasibly Tall Coach To The World Champions Peter Heine Neilsen which lasted 55 moves.

Top work.

Dlugy - Gurevich, World Open 1988, however, doesn't make it into Matt’s sample.


10: Be2
7:  Re1
3:  Rb1, Qc2, Qb3, Bh4

Be2:  Suba, Levitt, Plaskett, K. Arkell, Howell, Norwood, Pein
Re1:  Kosten, Flear, Horner, J. Littlewood
Qb3:  Mephisto Almeira


1 Be2 Dlugy - Gurevich, World Open 1988


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