
Showing posts from August, 2020

Beat the Masters 31

  January 1989, Position E White to play


When you realise that you've got a lot of free time coming up and nothing specific to do with it ... you might as well throw yourself into chess, right?

BtM 30A: Benko Benko Benko

  June 1989, Position C White to play Grivas - Vogt, Thessaloniki Olympiad 1988 Contributions to the comments box are welcome. I’ll reply with what the Masters have to say about their choice to anybody who suggests a move.

Beat the Masters 30

June 1989, Position C White to play

Knowing Me Knowing Yusupov 6

"Being passionate about - or, perhaps better put, a slave to, the achievement of an external result that you cannot control creates a volatile and fragile sense of self-worth." - The Passion Paradox

Chess in the 80s 12: Thessaloniki Olympiad Special (02/1989)


BtM 29A: Opening study

July 1988, Position J Black to play Pekarek - Mozny, Prague 1987 Contributions to the comments box are welcome. I’ll reply with what the Masters have to say about their choice to anybody who suggests a move.

Beat the Masters 29

July 1988, Position J Black to play

BtM 28A: All over again

April 1989, Position F White to play Wilder - W. Schmidt, Naestved 1988 Contributions to the comments box are welcome. I’ll reply with what the Masters have to say about their choice to anybody who suggests a move.

Beat the Masters 28

April 1989, Position F White to play Contributions to the comments box are welcome. Masters’ feedback will be published tomorrow.

Knowing Me Knowing Yusupov 5: Progress?

My Yusupov bus has entirely ground to a halt this week. After the last post ( KMKY 4 ) My holiday ended  at midday on Friday. By 8pm on Monday I’d clocked up 44 hours at work. Not much space left for serious chessing. And not much energy left for it when I had the day off on Tuesday. This is one of the reasons why it’s so hard to improve your chess as an adult. Consistency is the key - do little every day - but it’s hard to be regular in your habbits when you have work/family/ insert-whatever-your-grownup-stuff-is-here  getting in the way. The break at least allowed me to reflect on the three-digit improvement in my blitz rating that coincided with me making a start on the Yusupov Challenge.

Chess in the 80s 11: Tears in rain (Wilder interview - 03/1989)


BtM 27A: Into the valley of chess

July 1988, Position C White to play Rohde - Whitehead US Championship 1987 Contributions to the comments box are welcome. I’ll reply with what the Masters have to say about their choice to anybody who suggests a move.

Beat the Masters 27

July 1988, Position C White to play

BtM 26A: T.I.N.A

July 1988, Position B White to play Tischbierek - Gauglitz, Halle 1988 Contributions to the comments box are welcome. I’ll reply with what the Masters have to say about their choice to anybody who suggests a move.

Beat the Masters 26

July 1988, Position B White to play

Knowing Me Knowing Yusupov 4: On trying to improve

  @saychess1 At the beginning of August SayChess asked twitter this deceptively simple question.  It looks straightforward enough, but the more I thought it the more I found it impossible to answer.

Chess in the 80s 10: The best of the British (10/1988)


Beat the Masters 25A: All the right notes

July 1988, Position E White to play Gobet - Wirthensohn, Bern 1988 Contributions to the comments box are welcome. I’ll reply with what the Masters have to say about their choice to anybody who suggests a move.

Beat the Masters 25

July 1988, Position E White to play

BtM 24A: The 46th Memorable Game

January 1989, Position H White to play Westphal - Hresc, Porz 1988 Contributions to the comments box are welcome. I’ll reply with what the Masters have to say about their choice to anybody who suggests a move.

Beat the Masters 24

January 1989, Position H White to play

Know Me Knowing Yusupov 3: Voulez Yu?


Chess in the 80s 9: Karpov interview (12/1988)


BtM 23A: Blindspots

September 1988, Position B White to play Wedburg - Hug, Lugano 1988 Contributions to the comments box are welcome. I’ll reply with what the Masters have to say about their choice to anybody who suggests a move.

Beat the Masters 23

September 1988, Position B White to play

BtM 22A: Beyond material

April 1988, Position B White to play Vaganyan - Kouatly, Marseille 1987 Contributions to the comments box are welcome. I’ll reply with what the Masters have to say about their choice to anybody who suggests a move.