I haven't looked at this position for long and I'm not really sure what to think of it but my feeling is that Black is a little passive and I'm worried White might get in e4. So how about 1... f6 for an offbeat idea, intending 2. Bf4 Nxf4 3. exf4 Nb6 and Nd5? Yes, pe6 would vulnerable and Bc8 not great but d5, in front of White's isolated d4, would be a strong point.
I'd like to swap the g5-bishop off and reckon Black can get away with h6. I don't think White gets enough if he sacs the bishop and if he swaps it before throwing in g4, I feel his own king ends up being exposed.
"By isolating the basic elements of master and grandmaster games, Simple Chess attempts to break down the mystique of chess strategy into plain, clear, easy-to-understand ideas." Michael Stean
If each player is capable of quick development, castling and of not blundering any pieces away, what is there to separate the two sides? This is the starting point of Simple Chess . - Michael Stean
"Why is Black lost? Material is equal and White hasn’t got a piece beyond the second rank. The answer lies in the pawns. White has two beautiful squares on c4 and d5 plus a mobile pawn roller on the left flank, whereas Black’s pawns constrict his own pieces terribly, particularly the bishop." Michael Stean
I haven't looked at this position for long and I'm not really sure what to think of it but my feeling is that Black is a little passive and I'm worried White might get in e4. So how about 1... f6 for an offbeat idea, intending 2. Bf4 Nxf4 3. exf4 Nb6 and Nd5? Yes, pe6 would vulnerable and Bc8 not great but d5, in front of White's isolated d4, would be a strong point.
ReplyDeleteI'd like to swap the g5-bishop off and reckon Black can get away with h6. I don't think White gets enough if he sacs the bishop and if he swaps it before throwing in g4, I feel his own king ends up being exposed.
ReplyDeleteANGUS: 8 points
ReplyDeleteADAM: 9 points
Both good choices. More commentary in the Masters' feedback post