Blindfold Endgame Visualisation 17/50

Blindfold Endgame Visualisation

#17, Nakamura - So, 2018

It is the worst of times. It is (almost) the best of times.

My run of lacking the time and energy for  meaningful chess study continues. I’m well into my second month of it, and there’s no signing of this ending any time soon.

On the upside, if only because I lack the mental and emotional stamina to do anything else, I’m getting some blitz games in where I can. And the results have actually been pretty good.

What were you up to on Sunday October 18th 2020?  Me, I haven’t a clue, but the date is still a pretty meaningful one for me. That’s the only day my blitz rating (lichess) has been higher than it is now.

So that’s something.

Perhaps appropriately given the mixed bag that chessing is bringing me at the moment, this week’s puzzle is the first puzzle I would argue I kind of half solved. I can’t claim I got nailed it completely, but I saw enough that I feel something more than zero is an appropriate score.

OUTCOME: Half Solved



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