The Toaster and Kettle Chess Academy - X


Squeezing in some chess where I can.

This week I’ve been making some changes at the toaster.

The first rule of routines, says Brad Stuhlberg of the Growth Equation, is to have one and stick to it. The second rule is to drop your routine the moment you need to.

I felt I needed to make some changes at the toaster. Firstly, simply on the crop rotation principle that moving things around every now and again has long-term benefits.  Second, I’ve been spending less time on tactics of late as I’ve started to focus on other areas. More on that on Wednesday, but I felt I could benefit from investing some time in reviewing basic tactical motifs.

So that’s what TAKCA is going to be for a while. My source book is 1001 Chess Exercises for Beginners which I have on Chessable.

The Growth Equation podcast: Everything you need to know about routines

1001 Chess Exercises For Beginners

RED = section completed
GREEN = section part completed

Mate in One (58)

Mate in Two (129)
Double Attack (42)

Discovered Attack (26)

Discovered Check (27)

Double Check (26)

Pin (41)

Skewer (26)

Deflection (26)

Decoy Sacrifice (27)

Promotion (41)

Drawing Tactics (26)

Mixed Motifs - White (199)

Mixed Motifs - Black (175)

Mate in Three (82)

Mate in Four (34)

Curiosities (24)

Missing Piece (61)


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