Blindfold Endgame Visualisation 11/50

Blindfold Endgame Visualistion

#11, Zhukov

Today’s post was going to be a riff on Zhukov being the name of the scientist in Flash Gordon. It’s not though. His name was Hans Zarkov.

Zhukov was, however, the name of the Soviet army leader who was intimately involved in the arrest and execution of Beria following Stalin’s death.

Somehow I managed to get these two confused.

Which is how my brain works these days. Not something that’s particularly relevant to this series but the problem of retaining patterns and 'chess knowledge' is a subject I’ve been given some thought to over the last couple of months.

It isn’t something I had to think about before. I just remembered stuff. That’s not true any more.

Anyway, that’s another study down.




  1. Solved relatively quickly after deducing the key features of the position.
    My running score: 8/11


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