Blindfold Endgame Visualisation 10/50

Blindfold Endgame Visualisation

#10, Pogosjants

Option One:

Solve ten studies blindfold right now.

The trouble with Go Big Or Go Home as a philosophy is that sooner or later you mostly end up going home.

Option Two:

Solve one study today. If you don’t finish it, come back and try again tomorrow. Keep going all week if necessary.

Then try another one.

Much more manageable. And here we are already, a fifth of the way through the book.

10 tally marks

Manageable amounts of effort applied consistently over time. This is how sustained progress in chess is a achieved. 




  1. Not set myself any goals (except to complete the book some time).
    I saw the idea pretty quickly - if I recall in a matter of seconds.
    My running score: 7/10.


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