Woodpecker 10(0)1 - V

Woodpeckering my way through 1001 chess puzzles in 2021

I should now be nearly half-way through the first set of problems in my Woodpecker experiment.

I'm not though. For reasons I'll come back to next week I'm a few days behind. Which means, while the schedule says that the day this posts appears I'm due to be halfway through cycle three (the whole set in one week), I'm actually only just starting.

I have at least finished cycle three. A (very) small increase in accuracy - 82% to 84% - but a big increase in speed. I didn't quite manage to cut my solving time in half but I wasn't that far away.

When I’ve finally finished the third cycle I’ll have a proper look back and see how things have been going  In the meantime, here are some photos of my Woodpecker Notebook that I took a few weeks back. Because notebooks are cool.


Set One:

Number of Puzzles: 277

Cycle One: 277 puzzles at 82% accuracy in 22 hours 42 minutes

Cycle Two: 277 puzzles at 84% accuracy in 13 hours 19 minutes

Cycle One Running Totals

Week One: 80 puzzles at 84% accuracy in 6 hours 21 minutes

Week Two: 109 puzzles at 81% accuracy in 11 hours 2 minutes

Week Three: 172 puzzles at 81% accuracy in 15 hours 51 minutes

Week Four: 277 puzzles at 82% accuracy in 22 hours 42 minutes

Cycle Two Running Totals

Week One: 111 
puzzles at 89% accuracy in 3 hours 33 minutes.

Week Two: 277  puzzles at 84% accuracy in 13 hours 19 minutes.


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