Blindfold Engame Visualisation 1/50

#01, Grigoriev

I'm not planning to give any of the positions in this series. I'm merely going to joint down a few thoughts as I (try to) solve each of the studies in turn.

So what's the point?

From my point of view, if I commit to journaling my attempts to solve the studies in this book I'm more likely to keep going to the end. It's a way of ensuring that I don't get distracted and wander off to do something else.

And what is there to be gained by any readers of these posts? Well, I suppose that's a question to be answered by you. One thing I do know is that it's easier for us to complete difficult long tasks if other people are making the journey with us. I'm hoping that this series may help to keep everyone's motivation up - mine included.

Anyhoo, on to Study number 1.

Martin promised us a gentle introduction, for the first 6 studies at least. This one, from a technical point of view, isn’t too demanding. Well it isn’t if you know about stuff like the opposition and key squares.

So that's my next blindfold study tip:-

Learn some endgame theory.

Especially if you get to the solution and you don’t know why "White wins" or it’s a draw. It will help a lot.






  1. Just to reiterate: the book is available through Amazon. It's inexpensive - in either Kindle or paperback format - and well presented. Also, it's possible to 'look inside' and see the first few positions.

    I'm going to try to follow along - in the hope that my ability to visualise blindfold - which is currently undeveloped to say the least - is improved...

    Like JMGB I was able to picture position 1 and, knowing something about pawn endgame theory, find the winning plan without too much difficulty

  2. Also solved. I plan to follow you as you go through the book!

  3. Welcome Andre. Let me know how you get on each week.

    Hi Angus. I suspect the first few problems if not more are going to be straight forward for you, but I hope you join me through the year.


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