BtM 10A: Beat the Kasparov Stratos again

August 1988, Position D

White to play
Kuczynski - Schmidt, Gizycko 1985

Contributions are welcome in the comments box. I’ll reply with what the Masters have to say about their choice to anybody who suggests a move.

Scroll down to see some commentary from me and the Masters’ feedback.


Earlier in the week we saw the Kasparov Stratos hitting the target in a position that the panelists unanimously chose Rc1 as the best way to continue. Today the machine does considerably less well.

To be fair, the 13 Masters on the panel came up with six different moves between them, so it was obviously a tricky one. I didn’t get top marks either. 6 points for my Bd3 - the same as then IM Nigel Davies.

Just the 2 points if you opted for StratosQe3. If that was your choice console yourself with the thought that you did at least score more points than future GM David Norwood and IM Andy Martin.

Just before I go I want to mention Jim Plaskett’s comment en passant:-

"1 Bf3. This looks similar to Kaprov - Kasparov game 2 1985 ...."

It's something I’ll come back to next time.


10: a5
7:  Bf3
6:  Bd3
4:  fxe5
2:  Qe3, Ba7

a5: Kosten, Flear, P. Littlewood, Conquest, Levitt, Howell, S. Arkell
Bf3: Plaskett, Botterill
Bd3: Davies
fxe5: K. Arkell
Qe3: Kasparov Stratos
Rad1: Norwood
f5: Martin

1 a5 Kuczynski - Schmidt, Gizycko 1985


  1. Angus went for fxe5 (see yesterday's comments) matching with Keith Arkell. The BTM feedback article doesn't mention this move, however.

    There are comments from Howell and Kosten about the merits of 1. a5 however.

    E.g. Kosten begins:-
    "1 a5. This controls the Black b-pawn and protects the bishop on b6. White threatens Ra4-c4 or Bd3 and Nd5 with a strong attack ...."


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